Android Tv Box R&D For STB Brand

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The R&D Background of Android TV Boxes

Android tv boxes are new products of Google's Conference, which was held in San Francisco May 19, 2010. Its built-in Google search technology integration, simple text can be entered in a television program, network, YouTube, subscribe to the video network where to find a video. Due to the reason that android tv box is based on the open source Android and Chrome production, which also makes tv box  android is an open system. 

Although the existing Android Market application can run on android tv box, Google still hopes developers can get in after the API for android tv boxes with a big-screen TV and a tight integration to develop more interesting applications.

STB R&D android 9.0 box factory

H96 Brand tv box factory can design motherboards and models according to customer requirements. After the client puts forward the design requirements, Our R&D team will evaluate the feasibility of the plan and the design cycle according to the design requirements. In pursuit of perfection, our R&D will provide some Suggestions for improvement to the customer’s design requirements with professional knowledge and valuable experience, and collect feedback from customers. To produce the product can meet customer needs and market needs.

R&D Capability

We have a professional design team, Support Customized for the appearance ID design, Launcher (UI)design, packaging, Logo printing, Apps pre-loaded and so on; Offer the competitive price under the stable quality. Established long-term and friendly cooperation relations with Amlogic, Rockchip, Allwinner, Intel, Realtek.



We can design motherboards and models according to customer requirements. After the client puts forward the design requirements, Our R&D team will evaluate the feasibility of the plan and the design cycle according to the design requirements. In pursuit of perfection, our R&D will provide some suggestions for improvement to the customer’s design requirements with professional knowledge and valuable experience, and collect feedback from customers. To produce a product can meet customer needs and market needs.


Motherboard R&D

Motherboard R & D is based on the customer’s requirements (CPU, ddr, flash, wifi, BT, Ethernet, usb3.0/2.0, type-c, sd card, coaxial fiber and other functions), designed to meet the requirements of the schematic ( SCH), then make a BOM list based on the schematic diagram, procurement according to the BOM list to complete the cost quotation and procurement of materials; schematic diagram is completed, the PCB into the schematic network and structure DXF file PCB design, after the PCB design is completed, output Gerber file PCB factory production PCB board.


Models R&D

The models’ research and development are based on the customer’s appearance ID requirements and PCB interface location, interface package, installation method, cooling methods, etc., design 3D mold graphics, 3D model design after the completion of the output Stp file and structure DXF file, Stp file for the production of CNC Hand board, structured DXF file for PCB design. After the PCBA sample is completed and the CNC sample assembly verification is completed, the new model is done.

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Об авторе
Прежде всего, мне очень нравится Россия, я был в Москве, чтобы посетить выставку. У нас есть завод в Шэньчжэне, Китай, H96 Бренд производителя, специализирующегося на производстве и продаже ТВ-боксов, в основном Android, все интернет-смарт-боксы оснащены WiFi и KODI (XBMC) APK

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