smart tv box Firmware Upgrade Android 7.1- H96 Pro plus

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| Обзор | Лайв им. H96 TV BOX

Complete the following steps ( Detailed Download link

  • Step 1. Download the Burn card software, and the latest firmware from the description area below this video, or from my product page.
  • Step 2. Unzip the Burn card software into a folder, this is not an installation file, just a standalone program.
  • Step 3. Unzip the firmware into a folder.
  • Step 4. Insert the SD card into the SD card slot on your PC. and take note of the drive letter.
  • Step 5. Open the folder where you unzipped the program, and run the burn card program.
  • Step 6. The program starts in Chinese, an you have to switch to English by selecting the writing in the top left corner, and select the check box where it says English version. Click OK to close the option, and then exit the program and restart it again to get it in English.
  • Step 7. Once restarted, at the top select choose disk. and select the drive that the SD card is inserted.
  • Step 8. Check the four check boxes, and click the browse button and open the firmware folder. and select the image file.
  • Step 9. Once you have selected the firmware image file, click the make button. You would be promoted to format the SD card, click the start button and wait for the card to be formatted. Once the formatting is completed, click the close button and the burn process will start automatically. Once the burn process is completed, click the OK button and close the program.
  • Step 10. Remove the SD card from the PC properly, by right clicking on the drive and selecting eject.
  • Step 11. Connect the TV box to your TV, insert the SD card into the SD card slot, and do not plug in the power cord at this time.
  • Step 12. Using your paper clip press and hold the reset button below the box. While pressing and holding the reset button, plug in the power cord and wait until you see the box starts. Release the reset button and the upgrade would begin immediately. This process takes a few minutes, and once completed the box will reboot automatically.

I hope this tutorial reaches as much people as possible as this is a great TV box and it becomes even better with the update.

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Об авторе
Прежде всего, мне очень нравится Россия, я был в Москве, чтобы посетить выставку. У нас есть завод в Шэньчжэне, Китай, H96 Бренд производителя, специализирующегося на производстве и продаже ТВ-боксов, в основном Android, все интернет-смарт-боксы оснащены WiFi и KODI (XBMC) APK

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